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Chris Huhne urged delegates to allow some DNA to be retained
Lib Dems rebel against leadership on DNA database

By Ian Dunt Delegates at the Lib Dem conference have rejected calls from senior party leaders to allow some innocent people’s DNA to be kept on the database after they are acquitted. A policy motion on the database called for all innocent people to have their DNA removed from the database following acquittal. But Chris… Read more »

Politicians damaged by the expenses scandal should not be allowed to conduct financial scrutiny of the BBC said Greg Dyke.
Dyke: Expenses scandal undermines BBC scrutiny

By Alex Stevenson Politicians damaged by the expenses scandal should not be allowed to conduct financial scrutiny of the BBC or other public bodies, former director-general Greg Dyke has said. His comments came at a fringe meeting of the Liberal Democrat conference in Bournemouth assessing the impact of revelations about MPs’ expenses abuses. “I think… Read more »