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John Bercow has revealed that MPs will be forced to reveal in future whether they have 'flipped' their second home.
MPs will have to reveal second home ‘flipping’

By Liz Stephens John Bercow has revealed that the next set of parliamentary expenses will include mandatory details from MPs on whether they have ‘flipped’ their second home. The practice of home flipping was uncovered during the Daily Telegraph’s investigating into MP’s expenses. The paper revealed that MPs exploited the expenses system by claiming for… Read more »

The fashion world is beset by controversy at present
London Fashion week hit by criticism

By Ian Dun The start of London Fashion Week today has been marred by criticism of the fashion industry from various groups. Celebrities gathered around the opening of the event to campaign against sweatshop conditions in the third world. Jo Wood, Jo Brand and Gael Garcia Bernal, who played Che Guevara in biopic ‘The Motorcycle… Read more »