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A memorial for the 1988 Lockerbie bombing, Britain's worst terrorist attack
Lockerbie appeal confirms SNP dilemma

By Alex Stevenson The Scottish government must decide whether to release Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi following his decision to drop his second appeal against conviction. Megrahi’s move, accepted by judges today, opens the way for him to be released from prison. He has terminal prostate cancer and is expected to die within the next few… Read more »

Graduates 'have more friends'
University students ‘have more friends’

By Ian Dunt People who go to university have more best friends than those who don’t, a new report revealed today. The survey, published by Unite, which provides student accommodation, came on the same day that reports mapped out the full price of going to university, and the level of debt students could expect once… Read more »