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Union chief's house 'subsidised' by members
Union chief’s house ‘subsidised’ by members

Unite Union joint general secretary Derek Simpson has been criticised after internal documents revealed that the costs of his accommodation were being funded by union members. The Times cites internal documents as showing that Mr Simpson, who leads the body which represents the interests of two million employees, had been guaranteed a house in Hertfordshire… Read more »

Brendan Barber tackled Peter Mandelson over the economic crisis
Barber riles Mandelson over financial regulation

By Alex Stevenson Union leader Brendan Barber locked horns with business secretary Peter Mandelson over the performance of Britain’s financial regulatory structure at the Fabian Society new year conference. The clash came after Lord Mandelson rejected the idea the government had adopted a laissez-faire approach to the financial word in the run-up to recent collapses… Read more »