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Repossessions look set to soar
Homeowner help extended

By staff The government is about the extend the help it offers homeowners as repossessions look set to soar through 2009. The Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI) scheme was today extended to mortgages up to £200,000 and will be available to people after 13 weeks from claiming – instead of the previous 39 weeks…. Read more »

David Cameron says 2.5 per cent VAT cut is "criminal"
Cameron: Scrap basic savings tax

By Alex Stevenson and Ian Dunt David Cameron has called for an end to the basic rate of tax on savings, in a speech on the economy this afternoon. He also said pensioners’ tax free allowance should be raised by £2,000. The Tory leader claimed to be opening a “new front” in the economic argument… Read more »