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Bob Quick has apologised to the Conservatives
Quick apology after Tory pressure

The Conservatives have received a full apology from the Metropolitan police’s counterterrorism chief after he retracted corruption claims made against them. Assistant commissioner Bob Quick issued a statement this morning reiterating his previous retraction and adding an unreserved apology for any “offence or embarrassment” he had caused. The apology centred over comments he made followed… Read more »

Govt has only recently started addressing Britain's drinking problem
Warring govt depts ‘have hurt anti-alcohol efforts’

Inter-departmental conflict within government has damaged efforts to address Britain’s growing drinking problem, it has been claimed. Don Shenker of Alcohol Concern singled out the Treasury, Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (Berr) and Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) as being “resistant to change” on tackling alcohol. In the face of growing… Read more »