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The Bosphorus bridge in Istabul. Turkey is a major 'transit' country.
UK asylum policy ‘sends people to their deaths’

The UK’s asylum policy is “sending people to their deaths” according to extensive interviews conducted with refugees. Refugee groups are pointing to the UK policy of setting up border control outside the UK to prevent asylum seekers getting to the country, potentially sentencing those fleeing persecution to death. British officials and airline personnel are being… Read more »

Bureaucrats struggling to improve planning application processing
Planning cash ‘wasted on town halls’

The government may have wasted money on a funding boost aimed at helping local authorities improve their handling of planning applications, a public spending watchdog has said. A report by the National Audit Office (NAO) shows that the injection of £68 million and targets set by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) has… Read more »