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Cameron: Punish Labour for a generation
Cameron: Punish Labour for a generation

Labour must be punished “for a generation for their economic crimes,” Conservative leader David Cameron has said in a keynote speech on the economic downturn. Talking to students at the London School of Economics (LSE) Mr Cameron made a further attempt to stop the deterioration in his poll results since the economic crisis began. But… Read more »

Plane Stupid's Stansted protest resulted in 56 arrests
Charges follow Stansted climate protest

Police have charged nearly 50 people after yesterday’s climate change protest at Stansted airport. Essex police said in a brief statement that 49 people had been charged with aggravated trespass. They, along with several others, have been bailed. It follows the arrest of 56 people after yesterday’s protest in which demonstrators from activist group Plane… Read more »