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Green lobby calls for spending priority
Green lobby calls for spending priority

The government should spend the revenues it receives from today’s emissions trading scheme auction on meeting the UK’s climate change obligations, campaigners have said. Organisations such as WWF, Oxfam and thinktank IPPR are urging the government to make good use of the estimated £72 million the UK will make from auctioning four million carbon emission… Read more »

Celebrity watch: Kilroy 'a real villain'
Celebrity watch: Kilroy ‘a real villain’

Robert Kilroy Silk appears to be making a bad impression with his fellow jungle celebrities, with ex-Star Trek actor George Takei describing him as “a real villain”. The 66-year-old MEP’s behaviour during the latest bushtucker trial on I’m A Celebrity. Get Me Out of Here! drew criticism as he lost, in embarrassing fashion, to former… Read more »