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Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai before the June 27th runoff vote
Zimbabwe militias ‘crushing opposition’

Robert Mugabe’s Zanu-PF are seeking to “totally obliterate” all further political opposition in Zimbabwe, it has been claimed. Author Lauren St John told youth militia and party operatives have been systematically targeting those who did not vote in the June 27th runoff vote, punishing them with beatings and torture. Operation Red Finger, as it… Read more »

Ministers unveil government's youth crime action plan
Govt lift lid on youth crime action plan

Ministers have today unveiled the government’s youth crime action plan, a day after Gordon Brown pledged a crackdown on knife crime. In the days since the prime minister expressed his sorrow at a spate of fatal stabbings in the UK and pledged to respond, the government has been accused of rushing through its anti-knife crime… Read more »