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Today's PMQs could be especially tough for Mr Brown
Cameron launches savage attack on Brown

David Cameron has launched a savage attack on Gordon Brown in the first prime minister’s questions since the Crewe and Nantwich by-election. Click here for full PMQs analysis Mr Cameron ran with the controversy over fuel tax. “Can he give us one of his trademark U-turns?” he asked. Mr Brown, clearly prepared for the line… Read more »

Trouble on the Tube "misunderstood", mayor says
Boris laments Underground “cocktail party”

New London mayor Boris Johnson says the drunken revelry seen before London Underground’s alcohol ban was “anthropologically misunderstood”. Six stations had to be closed and 17 people were arrested on Saturday, the final day before Mr Johnson’s ban on alcoholic beverages on the tube came into force. Speaking at City Hall, Mr Johnson compared the… Read more »