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Report claims young workers over taxed with few rewards
Govt accused of ‘IPOD neglect’

The government is neglecting a generation of young workers who face a future of debt and high taxes, a think-tank has claimed. The centre-right think tank Reform warns 18 to 34-year-olds can expect to lose half their income through tax by 2012, funding government initiatives targeted at the wealth of baby boomers. Today’s report dubs… Read more »

Tories gain eight point lead over Labour
Young men hand Tories eight-point lead

The Conservatives have opened up an eight-point poll lead after increasing support among key voters. A ComRes poll for the Independent places the Tories on 41 per cent after a seven point rise in the past month. Support for Labour has fallen four points to 33 per cent, with commentators blaming Gordon Brown’s handling of… Read more »