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European treaty referendum question won't go away
European treaty referendum question won’t go away

Calls for the referendum on the EU Treaty continued today after the foreign secretary faced the European Scrutiny Select Committee (ESSC) yesterday. Gordon Brown was asked again during prime minister’s questions by Conservative leader David Cameron if he would be calling a referendum on what he said was a ‘substantially equivalent’ treaty, referring to comments… Read more »

The annual Ofsted report reveals positive advances in education, but warns of inequalities within the system.
Ofsted annual report reveals positive results

The Ofsted annual report on the state of English schools released today paints a largely positive picture of education across the country. Some 6,848 schools were inspected in the last year with 14 per cent judged to be “outstanding” – up from 11 per cent in 2006. A further 46 per cent of schools judged… Read more »