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MPs approve second reading of fraud (trial without jury) bill
Juryless trial plans pass first hurdle

Proposals to remove juries in complex fraud trials passed their first Commons test yesterday, despite opposition from the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats. The second reading of the fraud (trial without jury) bill, which would allow a single judge to oversee certain fraud cases provided the lord chief justice agreed, was approved by a vote of… Read more »

David Cameron attacks London mayor over multiculturalism
Cameron slams Livingstone’s ‘outdated’ race views

David Cameron has condemned Ken Livingstone as an “ageing far left politician” for suggesting that there were no downsides to multiculturalism. The Conservative leader said the London mayor’s criticism of Trevor Phillips, the chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE), was proof that his views on race were “completely out of date”. Mr Phillips… Read more »