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Ministers publish new guidance on tackling Islamist extremist on campus
Extremism a ‘serious’ problem on campus

There is “serious” evidence that Islamist extremists are using British universities to spread their message, the higher education minister has warned. Bill Rammell said universities must be more vigilant about identifying extremism on campus, and has today published new guidance on how to do this. It includes a definition of violent extremism in the name… Read more »

MPs chastise government over Britain's European veto on justice
MPs ‘must have a say’ in giving up EU veto

Parliament must have a say in whether Britain gives up its veto on key European Union policies on law and order, MPs have warned. The EU scrutiny committee says plans to change the way decisions on what constitutes a crime or a presumption of innocence are taken are of “constitutional importance”. In particular, the MPs… Read more »