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Filling the kettle too much is one of Britain's energy-efficiency mistakes
Report warns of energy-wasting Brits

Britain wastes more energy than any other country in Europe, a report published to mark the start of energy saving week has warned. Today’s survey by the Energy Savings Trust (EST) finds 71 per cent of Britons leave an appliance on standby, 67 per cent boil more water in a kettle than they need and… Read more »

Home Office figures show review of multi-protection management of offenders
Offender management system ‘making progress’

The number of serious offenders who broke their probation conditions has gone up the past year, but there are fewer committing serious offences, new figures show. A review of the multi-agency public protection arrangements (Mapp) finds that of the 17,680 violent and sexual offenders monitored in the community last year, 1,540 breached their licence conditions,… Read more »