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Communities minister Phil Woolas backs veil sacking
Minister: School should sack veil teacher

A Muslim classroom assistant suspended by a primary school for refusing to remove her veil should be sacked, a government minister has said. Communities and local government minister Phil Woolas, whose brief covers race relations, says Aisah Azmi cannot do her job wearing the veil. The 24-year-old said she was not prepared to remove her… Read more »

Ken Livingstone says Muslim women giving up the veil is a 'long-term aim'
Veil changes only possible ‘within Muslim community’

Ken Livingstone has said he would like Muslim women to stop wearing veils, but insisted that any such move could only originate from within the Muslim community itself. The mayor of London said efforts by non-Muslim politicians to change the way Muslim women dressed would not have the desired effect. The debate was sparked by… Read more »