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Menzies Campbell warns 'authoritarian' laws are undermining civil liberties
Campbell: Anti-terror laws will not improve security

The “raft of authoritarian legislation” introduced by the Labour government has done little to improve security, Menzies Campbell has warned. The Liberal Democrat leader admitted that the “extraordinary threat” posed by international terrorism required a “different balance between our hard won liberties and our security”. But he warned the reaction to this should not be… Read more »

David Cameron announces delay in EPP withdrawal
Cameron: Tories will leave EPP in 2009

Conservative MEPs will leave the European People’s party (EPP) in 2009 and form a new party, David Cameron has announced. The Tory leader said the new grouping with the Czech Civil Democratic party (ODS) would be a “strong new voice for change, optimism and hope” in Europe. The pledge to withdraw the party from the… Read more »