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Early letter from Tony Blair to Michael Foot uncovered
Early Blair letter reveals Marxist roots

A 24-year-old letter written by the young Tony Blair today reveals his views of society were “irreversibly altered” by the writings of Karl Marx. The 22-page handwritten missive to then Labour party leader Michael Foot reveals some confusion in the future prime minister’s mind, however, suggesting he was more concerned with winning approval than upholding… Read more »

Tories say more emphasis needed on tackling voter fraud than turnout
Reform has ‘undermined integrity of elections’

The Electoral Commission should spend less time worrying about voter turnout and focus more on tackling electoral fraud, the Conservatives have said. They warned the introduction of all-postal votes in some areas and their subsequent withdrawal over fears of widespread vote-rigging was a classic example of how the watchdog had got its priorities wrong. “In… Read more »