Georgia Gilholy

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Armed Police
UK terror threat raised to ‘severe’ following Liverpool attack

This afternoon Prime Minister Boris Johnson has held an emergency Cobra meeting after police have said that yesterday’s explosion outside Liverpool Women’s Hospital. “has been declared a terrorist incident” but that its motivation is “yet to be understood”. The UK’s terror threat has since been raised from “substantial” to “severe”, meaning a terror attack is… Read more »

Government refuses to declare atrocities in Xinjiang a genocide
Government refuses to declare atrocities in Xinjiang a genocide

The UK government has refused to declare ongoing atrocities in Xinjiang a genocide, in its response to the Foreign Affairs Committee’s special report “Never Again: The UK’s Responsibility to Act on Atrocities in Xinjiang and Beyond”, published over the weekend. The Government states that it will not “make determinations in relation to genocide” in response… Read more »