The political week on Twitter
The week's best political tweets in one handy location.
Another week, another step towards total economic collapse. Twitter may not have provided any solutions for our problems but did allow us to look on the bright side.
Greek chaos
@theWurzels – So Greece are ditching the Euro and going back to their old currency. Looks to me like they're just making a Drachma out of a crisis.

@Scott_Gilmore – Greece is collapsing, the Iranians are getting aggressive, and Rome is in disarray. Welcome back to 430 BC.
@tds153 – There hasn't been a catastrophic economic development for at least twenty minutes. Is the news-cycle down for maintenance?
@agriffithsmp – Now where did I put that drachma? I'm sure I had some left over from that holiday to Crete in 1997. I know – the back of the sock drawer!
@ollybarratt – THE GREEK PEOPLE MUST BE GIVEN THE CHANCE TO HAVE THEIR SAY. (actually the greek people don't really need a say, forget that. shh. nothing.)
@kev_d_evil – Just heard on the news the financial troubles in Greece means there is a shortage of taramasalata and houmous. It's a double-dip recession!
Question Time produced the usual parody and vitriol.
@TheHumanTorpedo – AntiCapitalists drinking Starbucks aren't hypocrites. Poppy-wearing politicans who send soldiers to war are
@nottsuncut – Teresa May: "The protestors outside St. Paul's are allowed to stay only because – and I am not making this up – they have a cat."
@CharlieBeckett – I love the idea of a newspaper columnist complaining about 'self appointed' protestors.
And finally, Vince Cable getting caught in the same bin problems as Oliver Letwin led to raised eyebrows in Westminster.
@jreedmp – Any constituents awaiting replies to letters should check the bin by the newsagents opposite my constituency office.
@tom_watson – "A constituent raised the alarm" over Cable's bins. What is it with @sun_politics and bins?