The Political Week on Twitter
All the week's best political tweets in one handy location.
By Ian Dunt Follow @IanDunt
Piers Morgan's appearance before the Leveson inquiry prompted the usual outpouring of warmth which commonly attends the former Mirror editor.
@OctoberJones – Heather Mills Vs Piers Morgan is basically Alien Vs Predator with less likeable characters.

@DMReporter – 'It's very unlikely that Piers Morgan didn't know he was utterly obnoxious' says ex-Mirror journalist.
@charltonbrooker – Former Mirror journo says phone hacking was "bog-standard journalistic tool".. So was Piers Morgan!!!1! LOL etc
@Tony_McNulty: Piers Morgan – most impressive testimony since Ronald Reagan and Iran-Contra hearings.
@bellamackie – Its a magical time of year this. When all of twitter takes time to reflect. On how much they hate Piers Morgan
@MatthewWells – CNN should replay today's hacking inquiry in place of Piers MorganTonight. Would do wonders for ratings.
@stebax – I shall miss Piers Morgan's appearance at Leveson today. As I miss everything he ever appears on.
Controversy raged this week on whether Margaret Thatcher should be given a state funeral, after an article from Telegraph admirer Peter Oborne insisted it was inappropriate.
@LouiseMensch – It is complete idiocy to say that Lady Thatcher should not get a state funeral. She was the first woman to be Prime Minister.
@DavidJonesMP – Whilst planning is of course necessary, I'm sure I'm not alone in finding public talk of Lady Thatcher's funeral arrangements distasteful.
@bc_tmh – E-petitions are pointless – except for this one. Sign & pass it on.Thatcher state funeral to be privatised
@Jo_dB – All I Want For Christmas is everyone to shut up about Thatcher.
@SteveAkehurst – Respect to Peter Oborne for arguing against his fellow Conservatives re: Thatcher state funeral. Shows why he's such a good writer.
Meanwhile, Tory MP Aidan Burley had a bad week, losing his job as a parliamentary private secretary and facing criminal investigation in France for attending a party where people dressed as Nazi officers.
@DPJHodges – Aidan Burley shouldn't worry. A right wing British Tory MP in front of a French judge and jury. What could possibly go wrong?
@SkySaraMojtehed – Strong words from George Adamson, leader of Cannock Chase Council, on his MP Aidan Burley's actions: "we are all ashamed and disgusted"
@IanAustinMP – Surely Cameron must take the whip off Burley now that the French are investigating
@eyespymp – Aidan Burley seen marching through parliament in his jeans. Obviously not going to the chamber. Looked führer-ious
@CllrMarkBennett – It's striking that Tory MP Aidan Burley was 'removed' as PPS rather than being given chance to resign after 'offensive & foolish' behaviour.