The political week on Twitter: #savetheintern special
This week we focus our Twitter picks on the fallout from a rather misguided tweet from Tom Watson's intern.
Journalists, politicians and other followers of @TomWatsonMP raised their eyebrows when the following tweet appeared from his account: "I should log out of my Twitter so that my intern doesn't twit-rape me…"
That was quickly followed up by this rather frantic gem:

My boss is in a meeting, i've made a terrible mistake, im very sorry everyone, it wasn't meant to be offensive! logging him off now! sorry!
— tom_watson (@tom_watson) January 26, 2012
Oh dear. The obvious plight of this poor unpaid intern triggered a mass outpouring of – well, initially, mirth. Although a few hardy souls got #sacktheintern underway, the vast bulk mounted a desperate campaign to limit Mr Watson's wrath… here's a few of the highlights.
I think we should get #savetheintern trending. Poor sod.
— Wes Streeting (@wesstreeting) January 26, 2012
I sincerely apologise for the recent tweet. A lesson learned for a young intern. She's also very sorry. I will deal with the matter offline.
— tom_watson (@tom_watson) January 26, 2012
@tom_watson Not offline. Video it and post to youtube. That'll learn her.
— Emma Howard (@auwynphotos) January 26, 2012
@tom_watson oooops. #InternLesson1 – always count to 10, or do something else for a moment before hitting send, submit, reply or Tweet.
— Jason Jones (@staticbob) January 26, 2012
@dazzabooker before we jump to any rash decisions to save or sack the intern, has anyone asked what does she look like?
— SJL (@liddlebyliddle) January 27, 2012
Sod #SaveTheIntern, #sacktheintern. Good a time as many to learn about accountability
— droopius (@droopius) January 26, 2012
@ChloeJHarvey I did Social Media for MPs and know people that have been sacked for far less. #Sacktheintern
— UKDigitalMediaForum (@UKdigitalforum) January 26, 2012
All this #savetheintern blah blah blah no i say #sacktheinternif not chop off her finger…
— big doug(@dazzabooker) January 27, 2012
@gretchmcpetch ha ha.we've all had horrible pit of the stomach feeling, when you know you've screwed up
— John Keogh (@johnkeogh) January 26, 2012
I like how Twitter rage has turned to Twitter sympathy in a one fantastically terrified apology. #savetheintern
— Duncan Robinson (@duncanrobinson) January 26, 2012
Updating my CV – "Strong track record of fostering support and influence through social media" #savetheintern
— Tom Watson's Intern (@TomWatsintern) January 26, 2012
I wish I agreed with #SaveTheIntern but can't understand why anyone would think doing something like that to your boss would be funny/ OK
— weecuppatea (@weecuppatea) January 27, 2012
Just popped over the corridor and met her, nice girl and think people should leave off her now. Worse things have happened… #SaveTheIntern
— James Mills (@JamesMills1984) January 26, 2012
Grrrr. OK, I'll respond to #savetheintern.After this, I really am drawing a line under it:
— tom_watson (@tom_watson) January 26, 2012
Tom Watson's response to the whole #savetheintern saga was very classy and well handled. Nice to see a politician act as such.
— Adam HopeLies (@adamhopelies) January 26, 2012
Basically Labour MPs are unable to control their twitter accounts and these are the same people who want to run the country? #savetheintern
— Ben Mear(@Jamin2g) January 26, 2012