Gordon Brown, prime minister

Brown apologises ‘on behalf of all politicians’

Brown apologises ‘on behalf of all politicians’

By politics.co.uk staff

The prime minister has apologised on behalf of all politicians at a nursing conference in Harrowgate.

The apology relates to the drip-feed of MPs’ expenses stories coming from the Daily Telegraph, which today focussed on the Tory frontbench.

“I want to apologise on behalf of all politicians of all parties for what was happened,” he said.
“We must show we have the highest standard for our profession.”

Gordon Brown received warm applause from delegates when he made the statement, despite the numerous political issues dividing the nursing profession from the government.

He went on to say that “wrongs” will be “righted”, although it is not clear what that might mean on a practical level.

Plans for a private company to conduct audits on MPs’ expenses will be discussed today in Westminster.