Tory scorn for Labour’s ‘Titan’ schools
By staff
The number of schools with over 1,500 pupils has more than doubled under New Labour, it has emerged.
Analysis from the Conservatives showed ‘Titan’ state-funded secondaries had increased in number from 136 to 294 since Labour came to power in 1997.
The rise reflects a trend towards larger schools seen in the last 13 years.

During this period the number of state-funded secondary schools dropped by ten per cent, but the number of pupils at these schools rose by three per cent.
“Under Gordon Brown parents have been denied the schools they want,” shadow schools secretary Michael Gove said.
“Good local schools are closing. The size of schools is increasing. We must change direction.”
Under a Tory government parents would be handed the power to stop the closure of local schools and schools would be given the choice to opt out of control by their local authority.
“This will give parents what they want – smaller schools with smaller classes, good behaviour, great teachers and restored confidence in the curriculum,” Mr Gove added.
“We will raise standards in schools. The choice at the election will be five more years of Gordon Brown or change with the Conservatives.”