Cameron will be relieved at the new polling results

Polls raise Tory mood

Polls raise Tory mood

By staff

New polls published today suggest Labour’s electoral recovery may be stalling.

A YouGov poll for the Sun continued to give the Tories a modest five point lead, with Labour down two on 32% and the Tories unchanged on 37%.

But an ICM poll for the Guardian gave the Tories a healthy nine point lead, with David Cameron’s party up three points on 40% and Labour on 31%.

The details of the Guardian poll will make for depressing reading in Number Ten. Of those who voted Labour in the last election, just 43% think Gordon Brown is reaching out to their concerns.

But David Cameron appears unpopular as well, with just 42% of voters thinking he looks like a competent prime minister and 33% saying he would take the country in the right direction.