Sunset over London: David Cameron plans to campaign through the night

Leaders fan out in desperate last bid for votes

Leaders fan out in desperate last bid for votes

By staff

Party leaders spread out across the country today as the last spasm of campaigning took place before polling day.

David Cameron was preparing himself for a marathon 24-hour campaigning session, between 18:00 BST tonight to 18:00 BST tomorrow, which will see the Tory leader meet people who work in the early hours, like bakers, florists and fishermen.

All three party leaders held evening rallies tonight.

Gordon Brown reeled off a five minuyte long list of Labour achievements speaking to the party faithful in Manchester, following events in the west Midlands and north Wales.

“When people tell us politics can’t change anything, we say: it can, it has and it will in the future,” he said.

Mr Brown will be campaigning in the West Midlands and north Wales.

Meanwhile, Nick Clegg took the fight straight to Labour’s heartland in areas such as Liverpool and Glasgow. The tactic is a sure sign Lib Dem strategists believe Labour is falling apart completely.

Mr Clegg bgean his speech admitting it sometimes felt like a betrayel to change the voting habits of a community but insisted “Labour has betrayed you”.

New opinion polls show no significant shift in support, with the Tories in front but short of a majority.