Major drop in Tory support – but no faith in Labour
By Ian Dunt
Labour is failing to capitalise on public discontent, despite a clear fall in support for the Conservatives.
The latest Ipsos-MORI poll shows a five point drop in Tory support, with backing for the leading coalition partner plunging to 35% this month.
Labour rose two points to 42% while the Liberal Democrats rose one point to ten per cent.

But faith in Ed Miliband remains stubbornly low, with a mere 17% of people saying he is ready to become prime minister. Worryingly for Labour strategists, less than half the party thinks he is ready to become PM.
Just three in ten people think Labour is ready to form the next government.
“We’re seeing a slight decrease in the Conservative vote share this month compared to last month but that’s not translating into a boost for Labour in any other ways,” Ipsos MORI’s Helen Cleary said.
“Cameron is still ahead on leadership ratings. The coalition is seen as divided on some issues but retains a united front on the key issue of the economy. There’s no clear benefit for Labour nor crisis for the coalition.”
Forty-two per cent of people think the economy will worsen next year, compared to 29% thinking it will improve, but again Labour is failing to benefit, with most voters accepting the coalition argument that Labour is to blame for the current economic situation.
In a sign of how effectively the coalition has blamed Labour for the economic malaise, many voters would still blame the party even if there was economic decline over the next 12 months – a full year after it lost power.
Twenty-two per cent said they would blame Labour, compared to ten per cent for the Conservatives, 17% for the Lib Dems and Conservatives together, and 21% for the banks.
Nick Clegg’s satisfaction levels continue to worsen with just 29% saying they are happy with his performance compared to 61% saying they are dissatisfied.
Ipsos-MORI polls are qualitatively different from most other polls in that they do not weigh their respondents by political affiliation. The results are also restricted to those people who are certain to vote.