Betrayal of fallen heroes? Guardian attacked for Falklands advert
By staff
The Guardian has been widely condemned for publishing a full-page advert from the Argentinean president demanding the return of the Falklands islands.
An open letter from Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner to David Cameron was published in the newspaper as well as being sent to UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon. In it she reiterated her view that Britain's claim on the island was a product of old-fashioned colonialism.
The Falklands Islands United Twitter account, which aims to unite support for Falklands islanders, said the advert was "an insult to us as Falklanders' but even more so to those who lost their lives liberating us".

The account then started issuing hostile questions at Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger, saying: "As Falkland Islanders we are curious to know how you can justify printing Argentine propaganda.
"Out of respect for the British hero's that gave their lives liberating us we deserve an answer."
Supporters also highlighted angry tweets from many other users.
"I hope David Cameron will condemn The Guardian for publishing Argentinian propaganda on the Falklands. A betrayal of the 258 fallen heroes," one Twitter user wrote.
The open letter is just the latest effort by the Argentinean government in an ongoing effort to change the terms of the debate on the 30th anniversary of the conflict.
The Foreign Office commented: "There are three parties to this debate, not just two as Argentina likes to pretend.
"The islanders can't just be written out of history. As such, there can be no negotiations on the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands unless and until such time as the islanders so wish."