Police called to Policy Exchange event after protesters disrupt minister’s speech
By politics.co.uk staff
Police were called to a Policy Exchange seminar today, after protesters disrupted a speech by the employment minister.
The debate on universal credit saw at least four people ejected after they protested against the treatment of welfare claimants by the government.
According to reports from the event, organisers repeatedly tried to get protestors to air their grievances during a later Q&A session, but they persisted in interrupting the speech by employment minister Mark Hoban.

Mark Hoban employment minister is disrupted at policy exchange by protestors over treatment of claimants.
— Patrick Wintour (@patrickwintour) June 5, 2013
More disruption and ejections at policy exchange. Crumbs thought this was boring seminar for wonks.
— Patrick Wintour (@patrickwintour) June 5, 2013
So far 4 people ejected. Mark Hoban retains admirable montone delivery.
— Patrick Wintour (@patrickwintour) June 5, 2013
More disruption.Policy Exchange wonks struggling on security heavy front "why don't we have this discussion afterwards ?" is top line.
— Patrick Wintour (@patrickwintour) June 5, 2013
Police are being called. First time they have been asked to restore order at seminar on in work conditionality and UC pathfinders.
— Patrick Wintour (@patrickwintour) June 5, 2013
Policy Exchange Fight Club now over.Concentration issues emerging as Hoban warms to his theme on labour market for all.
— Patrick Wintour (@patrickwintour) June 5, 2013