Here is a rundown of the full list of bills from the Queen’s speech 2021:
1. Health and care bill
The health and care bill will bring forward legislation that will provide the framework for a more integrated and joined-up healthcare system in England.
The proposals stem from a government white paper on NHS reforms, released earlier this year.

2. Advanced research and invention agency bill
Designed during the Dominic Cummings era, this bill is intended “to fund high-risk, high-reward R&D.” The government says it would “help cement the UK’s position as a global science superpower.”
3. High-speed rail (Crewe – Manchester) bill
This will provide the legislation needed to build and operate the next phase of HS2, which runs from Crewe to Manchester.
It is estimated that when completed, the journey time from London to Manchester will be cut by 55 minutes (to 1 hour and 12 minutes).
4. Product security and telecommunications infrastructure bill
The main benefits of this bill are to protect consumers from cyber attacks and to extend 5G mobile coverage.
The government wants the majority of the population to have access to 5G coverage by 2027.
5. Skills and post-16 education bill
As part of the government’s ‘levelling up’ agenda, the bill is designed to overhaul the adult education system to enable better access to skills training and open up job opportunities for people.
6. Subsidy control bill
This bill is designed to lay out a new, post-Brexit system for state aid.
7. Procurement bill
Another post-Brexit bill, which is intended to make public sector procurement easier. The current rules are based on EU regulations.
8. National insurance contributions bill
National insurance contributions (NIC): The economic wing of Boris Johnson’s ‘levelling up’ mission.
The bill would provide NIC relief for people employing veterans, for people working in the new freeport zones and for people instructed to stay at home by the NHS test and trace system.
9. Planning bill
A bill that in the government’s words, would “create a simpler, faster and more modern planning system to replace the current one.”
The bill has come up against considerable opposition from Conservative MPs, with former PM Theresa May arguing that it goes against the government’s ‘levelling up’ agenda.
10. Leasehold reform (Ground Rent) bill
“The Government is legislating to require that – for the first time – ground rents in residential long leases will have no financial demand.”
11. Building safety bill
A bill designed in the image of learning lessons from the Grenfell Tower tragedy, this bill is intended to overhaul the regulator for building safety, improving accountability.
The bill stems from the Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety, which was led by Dame Judith Hackitt.
12. Dormant assets bill
This bill would bring England into line with the devolved administrations in how dormant assets funding is allocated.
The government say an extra £880 million would be made available for social and environmental initiatives due to the new bill.
13. Charities bill
The charities bill is being put forward to remove red tape and bureaucracy issues that charities currently face.
The government say that “charities currently face unnecessary administrative and financial burdens because of inefficient and unduly complex law.”
14. Animal welfare (sentience) bill
In the Queen’s speech, legislation was mentioned to ‘ensure the highest standards of animal welfare.’
This refers to three bills. The first is the Animal welfare (sentience) bill, which recognises the capacity of animals to feel pain and suffering – enshrined into law.
15. Kept animals bill
The second of the animal welfare bills, this bill would grant further “protections for pets, sporting animals, and farm animals”.
The bill’s new powers would tackle livestock worrying (i.e dogs chasing and herding flocks of sheep), look to improve zoo standards and prevent puppy smuggling.
16. Animals abroad bill
The last of the three animal welfare bills stems from the desire to stop trophy hunting, placing a ban on imports of hunting trophies.
Animal welfare is devolved so its scope concerns regulation in England.
17. Environment bill
The Queen’s speech: “The United Kingdom is committed to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and will continue to lead the way internationally by hosting the COP26 Summit in Glasgow.”
The environment bill is the centrepiece bill that would provide legislation for the government to hit its environmental targets. Boris Johnson’s buzzword for this is the ‘green industrial revolution.’
18. Electoral integrity bill
One of the most contentious bills on the list. “Legislation will be introduced to ensure the integrity of elections”.
The bill would pave the way for voter ID for elections. Critics of the move argue it will freeze out voters who can’t afford or access passport and driving license style photos.
19. Higher education (freedom of speech) bill
Another contentious bill. This bill will look to improve powers to punish universities if they don’t protect free speech at universities.
Traditionally, universities tend to be quite left-wing arenas. Critics say that the move is more to do with silencing criticism of right-wing viewpoints.
20. Judicial review bill
If passed, the bill would, in the Queen’s words: “Restore the balance of power between the executive, legislature and the courts.”
In other words, the bill aims to prevent the judiciary from being drawn into political matters. This bill is subject to an ongoing consultation on the issue.
21. Dissolution and calling of parliament bill
In layman’s terms: If passed this would grant powers to the Prime Minister to call elections when they see fit.
The bill would repeal the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011.
22. Northern Ireland bill
“Measures will be brought forward to strengthen devolved Government in Northern Ireland”.
The bill will look to build on devolution in Northern Ireland, and to strengthen its institutions, as it continues to navigate through obstacles and continuing political difficulties in the country.
23. Police, crime, sentencing and courts bill
Arguably the most contentious bill on the table at present. This bill would grant the police further powers in dealing with protests.
Criticism has been rife over the bill’s possible impact on freedom of speech and the proposal has sparked #killthebill protests across the country.
24. Professional qualifications bill
A post-Brexit bill, which would look to create a new framework for identifying workers for in-demand and priority professions.
The bill would also look to attract high-skilled workers. In the government’s words: “The brightest and best talent”.
25. Counter-state threats bill
“Legislation will be introduced to counter hostile activity by foreign states.”
In the main, this bill refers to combating the espionage from both Russia and China. The bill would allocate further power and resources to the security services, to combat what the government sees as a growing threat to UK security.
26. Telecommunications (security) bill
The telecoms element of the UK’s review of security in the country.
The government wants to ensure “the long-term security and resilience of the UK’s telecoms networks and infrastructure”.
27. Armed forces bill
This bill is a continuation of the legislative framework for the armed forces in the UK.
The bill will renew the Armed Forces Act 2006, which is due to expire this year.
28. Public service pensions and judicial offices bill
This bill is designed to remedy a mistake made during the 2015 pension reforms for public service workers.
The bill is designed to provide “public service workers with greater certainty of their benefit entitlements”.
29. Draft victims bill
The bill proposed would create legislation that would strengthen and simplify the rights and support for victims of crime.
The bill stems from the ongoing work to help victims of domestic abuse, sexual violence and violence against women.
30. Draft online safety bill
“My Government will lead the way in ensuring internet safety for all, especially for children, whilst harnessing the benefits of a free, open and secure internet.”
This bill treads the line between trying to protect freedom of expression, along with the government’s claim “to make the UK the safest place in the world to be online”.
31. Draft downstream oil resilience bill
In its draft stage, this bill would look to increase energy security in the UK.
The bill proposes to help identify threats to the UK oil supply, create contingency plans against future threats, and build resilience in the system by working more closely with companies in the industry.