IET comment on Energy and Climate Change Committee report on Energy Security

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), commends today’s report from the Energy and Climate Change Committee as comprehensive and hard-hitting.

Helen Farr, IET Principal Policy Advisor said: “This is a wake-up call to all Government Departments not just DECC to address the energy impact of their policies in a holistic way. Energy security is a complex problem and solutions with a positive impact in some areas could have negative effects in others. For example electrification of transport might reduce dependence on imported oil but would increase dependence on electricity infrastructure. The attention given to energy reduction and demand response is welcome as is the recognition that “people are part of the system”.

Public awareness and engagement will be crucial part of the transition to a secure and affordable low carbon economy.

The IET welcomes the constructive recommendations in today’s report.

Robert Beahan
Media Relations Manager

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