IET calls Autumn Statement “a massive step forward for UK energy infrastructure”

The Chancellor’s Autumn Statement gives an important boost to the UK’s energy infrastructure according to Europe’s biggest engineering body.

The measures announced included an updated National Infrastructure Plan, which brings together more than 500 individual projects covering energy, transport, communications and water.

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) believes the plan represents a big step forward in addressing infrastructure in a joined-up way.

John Scott of the IET Energy Policy Panel said: “With an aging energy infrastructure and an urgent need to change the way we generate and use energy, the publication of the National Infrastructure Plan comes at a crucial time.

“The focus on interdependence of infrastructure systems is particularly welcome. However, the IET cautions that this needs to be considered at the design stage to maximise the opportunities for smart infrastructure, not just at the installation stage.

“Our future energy infrastructure has to be designed as a system of systems, requiring joined-up thinking across different sectors. Crucially, it needs a new engineering approach to address the uncertainties of the future, which will include a more statistical design and new skills across disciplines.”


The IET, as part of the Engineering the Future alliance, contributed insight towards the development of the National Infrastructure Plan. This is referenced on page 93:
Expert spokespeople are available for interview and comment.
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