The Federation of Small Businesses on female unemployment, growth hopes, and more

The power of women
With more than a million women still out of work read National Chairman, John Walker’s article in the Financial Times discussing the important role that they can play in driving entrepreneurship.

Small firms resilient but economy stalling those that want to grow
The FSB launched its 'Voice of Small Business' Member Survey 2012 this week, which showed that of the 11,000 respondents seven in 10 small firms have introduced new or improved products over the past two years, but the economy is preventing six in 10 from achieving growth in the coming months. Read the press release and coverage on and Management Today, view the report and find out more.

Growth should be the priority for the Budget
Read John Walker’s comments to the Sunday Telegraph on what the FSB would like to see from the Budget, due on 21 March.

Time for a cultural change about procurement
The FSB has written an article for the Guardian discussing the need for Government to take a different approach to procurement so that more small firms can benefit from it. Read the article and tell us your experiences of accessing procurement contracts.

Will the Green Deal benefit you?
Read Environment Committee Chairman, David Caro’s comments about the problems that businesses wanted to improve their energy efficiency could face when trying to access the Green Deal. Tell us about your experiences.

FSB urges Government to cut roaming charges
The FSB has joined forces with the mobile operator three and other trade bodies to call on Ed Vaizey MP to lead the call for lower European roaming charges. Read the letter and an article in the Guardian.

Calling all manufacturing members
Sky News is looking to speak to members that have businesses in the manufacturing sector to get reaction to the Chancellor’s Budget which is due on 21 March. Email if you are interested in being involved.

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