IET: Budget lacks holistic approach to transport policy

Europe’s largest professional society of engineers, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), is calling on the Government to introduce a proper strategy for solving crucial transport issues rather than looking at roads, rail and other areas separately. This would create a more cohesive method of tackling problems like congestion and pollution.

The warning follows the Chancellor’s Budget, in which it was announced that a national road strategy would be developed. Earlier this month the Secretary of State for Transport published the Rail Reform Command paper, and an aviation strategy will be published later this year. This piecemeal approach to problem-solving takes no account of the interdependencies between these transport modes, such as how to achieve modal shift, how to create more sustainable journeys overall, and where capacity increases are needed.

Paul Davies, Head of Policy at the IET, said: “We are warning the government that all UK infrastructure needs to be designed as part of a single system of systems so that they support and enhance each other. This requires the sharing of key information and experience across sectors.”

Also included in the Budget was an announcement of a new Catapult Centre looking at Transport Systems and Future Cities, which will provide a much needed boost for the commercialisation of academic knowledge on transport solutions. The IET welcomes this as a first step towards the development of a system of systems approach, but more direction from the Secretary of State is needed to ensure that this is treated as a priority.


Notes to Editors

Expert spokespeople are available for interview and comment.
The IET is Europe’s largest professional body of engineers with over 150,000 members in 127 countries.
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