FSB welcome employment reforms and discuss the challenge of unemployment

Small firms vital to tackling unemployment
With unemployment at 2.59 million, research from the FSB due to be published next week shows just how vital small firms are to the recovery, as 88 per cent of unemployed that find work in the private sector either work for or start a small firm. Read the press release, the comment on unemployment figures and coverage in City AM, Daily Telegraph, Independent, Guardian, Daily Mail, Sky and ITV News.

Employment reforms welcomed
Watch National Chairman, John Walker on today’s Daily Politics Show talking about the Government’s employment reform. The FSB has welcomed the reforms saying that it offers a streamlined approach to dismissals and the tribunal process which can help remove the fear for small firms when taking on staff. Read our comments on the BBC, Independent and the Huffington Post.

Government outlines industrial strategy
The FSB welcomed the Government's Industrial Strategy which further highlighted the need to get finance to small businesses. The plans announced by the Business Secretary include a small business bank which could be the first step to the Small Business Administration the FSB has been calling for. Find out more about the SBA, read the comment and coverage on the BBC and Financial Times.

Deregulation welcomed but it must have an impact on the ground
The FSB has welcomed Government plans to remove some small firms from burdensome health and safety inspections and that it plans to cut 3,000 regulations, but says these regulations must have a tangible impact on small firms if it is going to have any effect. Read the comment.

North Sea oil tax break must not be at the expense of small firm
The Chancellor announced a tax break for North Sea oil and gas companies. Read the FSB's comment asking what this means for hard-pressed businesses and families, as fuel duty is set to increase in January 2013. Read coverage in the Guardian.

Party Conference season to focus on employment
The party conference season begins on 22 September with the Liberal Democrats in Brighton, followed by Labour in Manchester and Conservative in Birmingham. At all three conferences we will focus on the findings of new employment research we commissioned the Westminster Business School to undertake. A roundtable event will be held by the FSB at each conference, with BIS Minister Jo Swinson MP attending at Lib Dem Conference, Shadow Employment Minister Stephen Timms MP at Labour and new Employment Minister Mark Hoban MP at Conservative. We are also partnering with the New Statesman for its ‘In Conversation’ events which will feature Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander MP at Lib Dem Conference, Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls MP, and Mark Hoban MP at the Conservative conference.

Parliamentary Update
Simon Kirby MP asked a written question about our local government procurement report. Nia Griffith MP raised our concern that the Universal Credit will not provide adequate incentives to encourage self-employment. In BIS Questions, Richard Graham MP argued that smaller employers, such as FSB members, should have more say over the content of vocational qualifications.

RLE Reception
On Monday, 90 Real-Life Entrepreneurs from the North and Midlands attended a reception in the Houses of Parliament. Speakers included new Skills Minister Matthew Hancock MP, Shadow Small Business Minister Toby Perkins MP, and the event’s host, Mary Glindon MP. Guests also heard from a number of RLE speakers who discussed issues that made starting and running a business more challenging, and many were also able to meet their MPs.

Facebook application to promote Real-Life Entrepreneurs

Add your business to the Real-Life Entrepreneurs application on the FSB’s Facebook Page. You can upload photos and videos and share business tips to promote your business. You can also share the post and get friends to vote to become a featured business.

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