FSB calls for ‘small business package’ for growth in the Autumn Statement

In its Autumn Statement submission to the Chancellor, the FSB has called for a 'small business package' to be put in place to help small businesses grow, and to be fully delivered at Budget 2013. It is calling for the fuel duty rise to be scrapped and for the Business Bank to lead the way for a Small Business Administration. Read the press release and view the submission and coverage in the Financial Times, The Independent, the Evening Standard, the Daily Telegraph, City AM, Financial Mail and Aldermore.

FSB concerned at cost of small firms after flooding hits part of the UK

National Chairman, John Walker, visited members affected by the floods in York this week. The FSB has warned that small firms need protection against flooding as many firms in high-risk flood areas cannot get adequate insurance cover. The FSB believes that further investment in flood defences would make it easier for businesses and households to get insurance. Read the press release and coverage on Fresh Business Thinking. Pictures of John’s visit to York are on the FSB’s Facebook Fanpage. Find out more about the floods.

Work Programme take up a disappointment

The FSB has said it is disappointed in new figures which show that only 3.5 per cent of people employed through the work programme stayed in a job for more than six months. Read the comment and view the FSB's report that shows small firms are more likely to take on people from disadvantaged groups. Read coverage in the Evening Standard and the Daily Telegraph.

Energy Bill

The full Energy Bill was published this week. We welcomed the certainty it provides but have concerns that small firms will be left exposed to ever increasing energy bills. Read the comment and coverage in the Huffington Post, City AM and Channel 4.

Schools and business leaders must work together to boost apprenticeships

The FSB has welcomed the Richard Review of apprenticeships as we made many similar recommendations in our recent report to improve the quality of apprenticeships. Read our comment and coverage on the Huffington Post.

Female Entrepreneurship Roundtable

The FSB hosted a roundtable discussion with everywoman on the barriers facing female entrepreneurs. The event was chaired by Jenny Willott MP, with speakers including National Policy Chairman Mike Cherry and former BBC Controller Lorraine Heggessey. A number of MPs and Peers attended. In particular, the event highlighted the need for there to be more coverage of female role-models in business, improved careers advice which includes entrepreneurship as an option, using local female role models, and improved access to business information and advice.

Save our Christmas lights

Watch out for a new campaign launching next week which will look at the towns across the country which have had to pay for their own Christmas lights as council budgets are cut. The FSB says it is disappointing many shoppers and potentially damaging local businesses.

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