Government releases list of proposed Free Schools to BHA

The Department for Education (DfE) has today released a list of the names, locations and religious designations of all Free Schools proposed to open during waves one to three (i.e. from 2011-13) of the Free Schools programme. The release has come in response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request submitted by the British Humanist Association (BHA) in June 2011, and a subsequent Information Tribunal case which the BHA won over the DfE last month.

BHA Faith Schools Campaigner Richy Thompson commented, ‘We’re very pleased that the Government has decided to release this information. We believe that the previous lack of transparency in this area represented a democratic deficit, with the public being unable to know who was applying to set up schools with state funds until after those schools have already been backed by the Government to open. Hopefully that should now change.’

Responding to Michael Gove’s letter to the Information Commissioner regarding the release, Mr Thompson commented, ‘It is worth remembering that the information being released here is only the names, locations and faith (if any) of proposals – not the names of individuals involved. The Information Tribunal considered in depth arguments as to whether individual teachers could face dismissal as a result of this information becoming public, and concluded that there was no basis to believe that there was – such dismissal would be unlawful.’

With regards to the data contained in the release, Mr Thompson concluded, ‘We haven’t had much time to analyse the lists yet, but we will say that we believe the true number of religious schools is likely to be a third to 50% higher than what the data implies. This is because it only shows schools with a formally designated religious character, and not those with a “faith” ethos.’ Academies and Free Schools can be religious without formally designating as ‘faith’ schools.

The BHA has an identical FOI request related to the fourth wave of proposals, due to open from 2014, pending a decision from the DfE, and hopes that information will be released before it has decided which applications it wants to support to open.


For further comment or information, please contact BHA Faith Schools Campaigner Richy Thompson on 0781 55 89 636 or at or BHA Head of Public Affairs Pavan Dhaliwal on 0773 843 5059 or at

The BHA has put the data in a spreadsheet for convenience – attached to this email and online at

Read the previous BHA press release, ‘Landmark Freedom of Information victory for BHA vs Department for Education’, 15 January 2013:

Read the Information Tribunal’s decision:

Read more about the BHA’s campaigns work on ‘faith’ schools:

The British Humanist Association is the national charity working on behalf of non-religious people who seek to live ethical and fulfilling lives on the basis of reason and humanity. It promotes a secular state and equal treatment in law and policy of everyone, regardless of religion or belief.