IET: Smart Meters important for the UK’s energy infrastructure

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has welcomed the Energy and Climate Change Committee report into Smart Meter Roll Out published today, calling it “comprehensive and balanced.”

Paul Davies, IET Head of Policy, said: “The report acknowledges the importance of smart metering within the context of future UK energy infrastructure and calls on Government to do more to clarify the extent to which smart metering will facilitate the development of a smart grid.

“The report recommends that the debate around smart metering should place greater emphasis on the wider benefits to the UK’s future energy security.  The IET agrees and emphasises the role that households will in future be able to play by voluntarily shifting a part of their consumption away from peak times, facilitated by the smart metering system.

“In its evidence to the Select Committee the IET emphasised that a smart grid is the real prize and that DECC and the industry need to press ahead with developing clear requirements and the detailed architecture specification to facilitate it.”


Notes to editors:
The IET Briefing “What is a Smart Grid?”, which is referred to on page 11 of the report is available here:
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