IET: Engineering body sets guidelines following increase in Solar Panel popularity

The Institution of Engineering and Technology’s (IET) new Code of Practice for the Design, Installation and Operation of Solar Photovoltaic Systems is set to reassure existing users and potential consumers of the technology.

Sunlight is the world’s largest energy source, and the amount available via existing technology greatly exceeds the world’s primary energy consumption. Today, solar photovoltaic (PV) technology is becoming widely accepted as an important form of power generation with over 2GW of installations contributing to the UK energy supply and projections for growth to over 20GW installed by 2020.

The new Code of Practice, due for publication mid-2014, will address the requirements for the design, installation and operation for all scales of solar PV deployment in the UK. It will provide engineers and technicians with guidance on the safe, effective and competent application of grid-connected solar PV systems, including building-mounted, building-integrated and ground-mounted installations.

Ray Noble, of the IET Solar Photovoltaic Technical Committee and the DECC Solar Strategy group, said: “The popularity of solar photovoltaic systems has increased in recent years to the point that a Code of Practice is essential to meeting the challenges of this maturing industry.

“Key stakeholder involvement is critical to this Code of Practice, and so the development of this document by a respected body such as the IET will increase consumer confidence, while also meeting the needs of solar PV professionals, users and owners.”

Solar panels can be used for a variety of applications, including domestic, large roof, building façade and solar field. The IET has done extensive work on Solar Power, and a Solar Power Factfile produced by experts at the Institution can be found on the IET website.

In developing the new Code of Practice, the IET is working with the BRE National Solar Centre as expert technical authors, as well as with a technical committee of key stakeholders to build broad consensus for this important field.


Notes to Editors

Interview opportunities are available with IET experts.
Technical feedback would be welcome and can be directed to Martin Cotterell of BRE National Solar Centre by email:
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Communications Executive
The Institution of Engineering and Technology

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