100,000 more apprenticeships

Small business grant for 100,000 more apprenticeships

The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) has reacted to the news that the Government will extend the grant for small businesses to support 100,000 more apprenticeships.

Paul Davies, IET Head of Policy, said: “Our concern for some time has been that the Government’s proposed reforms for apprenticeships would have a negative effect on the number of SMEs taking on apprentices due to additional costs and increased red tape.

“We hope that this announcement from the Government, in addition to the apprenticeship funding reform consultation feedback, will result in sufficient steps being taken to support SMEs providing apprenticeships.

“The IET’s recent work leading the Government’s electrotechnical Trailblazer was also an opportunity for SMEs to have their voice heard in making sure that apprenticeship further education courses are fit for purpose in the real world.

“The priority now will be to make sure SMEs in the electrotechnical and other engineering disciplines are given a generous share of the grants the Government is making available. After all, given the huge shortfall of engineers, apprenticeships represent a valuable lifeline to the future of engineering in the UK.”



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