Energy Bill: energy efficiency is the only measure that tackles all three aspects of the energy ‘trilemma’

The Energy Bill was announced as part today’s Queen’s Speech.

Responding, Dr Simon Harrison from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), said: “Finding the right balance between falling back on tried and tested technologies that lock in carbon emissions and allowing new technologies and business models the room to grow is a key challenge.

“We will stress the importance of energy efficiency, which is the only measure that tackles all three aspects of the energy ‘trilemma’: security, cost, and low carbon.

“Measures to devolve decisions about on-shore wind power to local authority level, in treating one technology in a different way to others, potentially reduce investor confidence by implying political interference.

“However, with on-shore wind currently one of the lowest-cost renewable energy sources, increasing numbers of communities are likely to see the worth of local renewable energy if it is well-planned.

“Ensuring that the GB electricity network is fit for the very different challenges ahead, which is the subject of the IET’s Power Network Joint Vision work, will also be of key importance as the UK makes the transition to low carbon energy.”

Notes to editors

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