Firefighters urge public involvement in fireworks consultation

The Fire Brigades Union has welcomed the call from the MSPs on the Scottish Parliament’s Criminal Justice Committee for groups and individuals to submit their views on the proposed Scottish Government Fireworks and Pyrotechnics Bill.

The published bill includes plans for :-

  • Limiting the dates to when fireworks can be sold in shops to a total of 37 days a year based around holidays and cultural events.
  • Ensuring anyone using the types of fireworks to be regulated would need special training, and a fireworks license.
  • The provision of control zones to be established by councils, where most types of fireworks could not be used.
  • The police would have new powers to search for and seize fireworks.

FBU Scottish Secretary Ian Sim said:

“We welcome this call for evidence by the Criminal Justice committee. Every year the irresponsible use of fireworks causes fires, injuries and spreads fear in the community; it is our members who are put into dangerous situations trying to deal with the consequences.

“This is a real opportunity to protect the public, their properties and the people who keep us safe. We urge all those who have been impacted by fireworks to submit their views to the consultation.”