IRC response to 4 million refugees having fled Ukraine

In response to the confirmation that 4 million refugees have now fled Ukraine, Nora Love, IRC Ukraine Team Lead, said,

With four million refugees now having fled Ukraine, the impact this conflict is having is devastating. Civilians trapped in besieged cities are in acute danger, while those who are displaced are now fleeing for their lives.

The role being played by neighbouring countries that are hosting those who have fled, particularly Poland, the first entry point for at least half of those who have fled is unprecedented. The IRC commends governments and civil society in neighboring countries, as they step in to deliver urgently needed support. We urge leaders to ensure that these initial commitments translate into meaningful, longer-term efforts to ensure dignified shelter and meet food, social services and legal support needs so that families can embark on the difficult road towards a semblance of normalcy.

Meanwhile, it is paramount that a resolution is found and the IRC is calling for a ceasefire as the only thing that can bring peace and allow families to reunite and rebuild their lives.”

The IRC launched an immediate emergency response to the conflict in Ukraine and has been working with partners in Poland and Ukraine since February 2022. The IRC is supporting partners in Ukraine to provide evacuation services to people trapped by the conflict and deliver essential items to those forced to flee, including blankets, sleeping bags, warm clothes, and cash assistance. In Poland, the IRC is working with partners to deliver cash assistance, provide critical information through an existing hotline, offering legal counseling and psychological support to people dealing with trauma. The IRC is also working to help people displaced by the conflict access essential services through social workers, interpreters and cultural assistants.