“We cannot entertain the idea of 1.5 degrees of warming”

Responding to the IPCC’s latest report focusing on climate change mitigation, Rachel Kennerley, international climate campaigner at Friends of the Earth, said:

“We cannot entertain the idea of 1.5 degrees of warming, not even temporarily, because there’s no knowing how volatile that reality could be. We’ve known for some time that we are in the deciding decade on climate, but the good news is that we have the answers we need to curb the very worst impacts. Now it’s about turbocharging the global response.

“With the right ambition and acknowledgement of historic climate responsibility, world leaders can leave a lasting legacy of a safer, cleaner world.

“Boris Johnson has a golden opportunity to put our collective future front and centre as part of his upcoming energy review. Rolling out renewable energy widescale, alongside a nationwide programme to insulate the UK’s homes, is one of the quickest and cheapest climate solutions. Not only will this help to protect the planet, but can also end our reliance on expensive gas and bring down sky-high bills.”