Workers need stronger wage bargaining rights to tackle cost of living crisis, says TUC on International Workers Day

  • Unionised workers get a 5% pay premium thanks to organised wage bargaining

Today (Sunday) is International Workers’ Day, an annual celebration of working people.

After two hard years, when many workers faced extraordinary challenges due to the pandemic, they now find themselves in the midst of a cost of living crisis.

The TUC is using today’s celebration to highlight the vital role unions play in helping their members gain fair pay rises through collective bargaining.

Unionised workers are paid on average five per cent more than other similar workers. This is equivalent to £1,285 a year based on the average wage.

TUC Deputy General Secretary Paul Nowak, who will speak at today’s May Day rally in Trafalgar Square, said:

“International workers day should be a time to celebrate. And working people can be proud of how they have brought the nation through the pandemic.

“But they are now in another crisis. The cost of living is racing ahead of their pay. And our Conservative government is doing nothing to help them.

“Working people need the power of government on their side. We need an emergency budget to give direct support with surging bills. And ministers should give working people and their unions stronger powers to negotiate fair pay deals.

“Join us at our national march and rally on 18 June to demand better for working people. Better pay, better rights and a better voice at work through unions. Only stronger unions can deliver a new deal for working people. Whether it’s winning in the workplace, or influencing government, it’s unions that make the difference

“If you’re not in a unionised workplace get together with your workmates and join a union. If you enough of you, your employer is legally required to sit down and negotiate a fair pay rise with you. But if you’re not in a union, you have little bargaining power. And you lose out – big time.”