Morris, Anne Marie

Anne Marie Morris has been the Conservative MP for Newton Abbot since 2010, having been reelected with a majority of 17,501 in 2019.

The constituency of Newton Abbot is found on the south Devon coast and includes the towns of Dawlish, Newton Abbot and Teignmouth. Prior to the boundaries being redrawn in 2010, the former constituency of Teignmouth had been won by the Liberal Democrats between 2001 and 2010.   However although the Lib Dems historically polled well in this seat, the Conservatives have won here quite comfortably with five figure majorities in the last three General Elections.

Anne Marie Morris was born in 1957 and was educated at Bryanston, Dorset. She then studied law at Oxford University, before pursuing a legal career.

Having gained an MBA working with the Open University, Morris subsequently worked as a marketing director for PriceWaterhouseCooper (PwC) and Ernst and Young. She later ran her own micro business specialising in mentoring businesses.

Anne Marie Morris was elected as a County Councillor on West Sussex County Council between 2005 and 2007.

Morris supported Brexit in the 2016 EU referendum.  She submitted a letter of no confidence in Theresa May during her time as Prime Minister.

She backed Dominic Raab and then Boris Johnson in the 2019 Conservative Party leadership election.

She has previously voted against air strikes in Parliament.  She is interested in air quality, and has campaigned for a Clean Air Act.

Anne Marie Morris is Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Rural Health and Social Care; and Access to Medicines and Medical Devices.


Personal Website:

Twitter: @AMMorrisMP

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