Law, Chris

Chris Law was elected as the SNP MP for Dundee West, being reelected in 2019 with a majority of 12,259.

The constituency of Dundee West contains the western side of the city of Dundee as well as some rural areas outside the city from the Angus Borough Council district.   This area was represented between 1908 and 1922, by the former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, during his days in the Liberal Party.

Formerly held by the Labour Party between 1950 and 2015, Dundee West was captured by the SNP during its landslide year of 2015. With Dundee containing the highest ‘Yes’ vote in the 2014 Scottish independence referendum, this is now one of the SNPs  safest seats at Westminster. Dundee University can also be found within this seat.

Born in 1969, Chris Law was educated at St Andrews University.  In a varied career, Laws trained as a chef, before organising motorbike tours in the Himalayas.   As such like the neighbouring MP for Dundee East, Stewart Hosie, Chris Law is a keen motorcyclist.

Upon returning to Scotland, Law worked as a financial advisor.

In the 2014 Scottish independence referendum, he toured Scotland in a refurbished Green Goddess fire engine. At Westminster he is known for his distinctive ponytail.

Laws is a member of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.  He is also a supporter of reforming the drug laws.

Chris Law is Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Motorcycling; and Tibet. He is Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Listed Properties; Multiple Sclerosis; Uyghurs; Scotch Whisky; Democracy and Human Rights in the Gulf; Fair Business Banking; Explosive Threats; Foster Care Work; and Canada.


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