Davies, Geraint

Geraint Davies became the Labour Member of Parliament for Swansea West in 2010, being reelected in 2019 with a majority of 8,116.  Prior to this he was the Member of Parliament for Croydon Central between 1997 and 2005.

The constituency of Swansea West is a safe Labour seat that has been held by the party continuously since the Second World War.   A former industrial area, Swansea West contain a large student electorate based at Swansea University.  This seat has backed Labour continuously since 1964.

Born in 1960, Geraint Davies was educated at Jesus College, Oxford.  He worked in marketing and as a product for Unilever before once setting up his own firm, ‘Pure Crete’.

During his time out of Parliament between 2005 and 2010, he worked for the Environment Agency in  Wales looking into the risk of flooding.

Davies was previously a councillor, and later the Council Leader for the London Borough of Croydon, itself London’s largest borough.

Davies was a fierce opponent of Brexit and voted in favour of a second referendum.

He backed Keir Starmer in the 2020 Labour leadership election, Yvette Cooper in the 2015 content, and Owen Smith in his 2016 challenge against Jeremy Corbyn.

As a backbencher he has led a number of campaigns including around plastics, clean air, the regulation of psychotherapy, and revenge porn.

Geraint Davies is Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Air Pollution; Youth Action Against Climate Change; Democracy and the Constitution; and Speech and Language Difficulties.  He is Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on the Western Gateway; China; Ocean Conservation; the Rohingya; and Trade Justice.

Email: Geraint.davies.mp@parliament.uk

Personal Website: http://www.geraintdavies.org.uk/

Twitter: @GeraintDaviesMP

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/GeraintDaviesMP