Williams, Hywel

Hywel Williams was first elected as the Plaid Cymru MP for Caernarfon in 2001, being reelected for the renamed seat of Arfon in 2019 with a majority of 2,781.

The constituency of Arfon is found in the north west of Wales.  It spreads inwards from the coastal towns of Caernarfon (famous for its castle) and Bangor, to include large parts of Snowdonia including the town of Llanberis.  A small constituency by population, this seat has an electorate of just 42,215.  A largely Welsh speaking area, there is a notable student population in Bangor. This area of Wales has been represented by Plaid Cymru at Westminster continuously for the last fifty years.

Williams was the Plaid Cymru leader at Westminster between 2015 and 2017.

He was born in Pwllheli in 1953 and was educated in Ysgol Glan y Mor in Pwllheli. He went on to study Psychology at the University of Wales, Cardiff and then trained at the University of Wales, Bangor before becoming a mental health social worker.

Before his election in June 2001, Hywel worked as a lecturer, a consultant and published author in social work, policy and care. He also worked as Project Manager for Gofal Cymru. He has served on various professional bodies involved in the training of social workers, and been involved in initiatives for developing Welsh language services in social work.

Hywel Williams is Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Catalonia. He is Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Uzbekistan; Equitable Life Policy Holders; Listed Properties; Outdoor Learning; Trade Justice; and Wine.

Hywel speaks Welsh and English, and enjoys reading, cookery and walking.

Email: hywel.williams.mp@parliament.uk

Personal Website: http://www.hywelwilliams.org/

Twitter: @HywelPlaidCymru

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/HywelWilliamsASMP